Good news, though, I got the jobbage! Woop woop for me! Had an embarrassing 're-introduction' to the other 150 odd members of staff today in the morning meeting which consisted of a cringey stand up wave and applause situation. Was also mildly horrifying to have to ask the girl who's job I stole (she was temping there and had to apply for her own job...and lost it to me) to ask for training! I put it off for about 3 days.
I should have started on Monday, but Kidswear, where I was working before, have a huge meeting to select the first part of their AW10 line, so I've been held captive until all the prep is over. But Ladieswear can have me all to themselves as of tomorrow. The new team is great and I can't wait to start! Whoopppeeee!!! May celebrate by swigging the pink bubbly Kidswear got me. I will miss them!
But the good's got to come with the bad, and the bad is STILL the location. Soo ready to come back to London. I can't believe I actually miss the place. I've been on that 19.31 Virgin Pendellino Service into Euston almost every bloody Friday. Sorry to keep whingeing on about this but this countryside town is so dead, everything shuts at 6pm! How do people shop after work?!
Anyway, enough about me. I soooo want the new Paris Vogue calendar that's out. Noticed that the French Vogue Calendar is out in its December Issue now. Can't wait to nab that (will have to wait til I take a trip out of the countryside). The pin-up themed 2009 calendar, shot by Terry Richardson, was sexy-fab, overdosed on supermodels, complete with a cover model in a seethrough catsuit was definitely a little attention seeker for passers by of my bedroom (not that there were many, mind you, just to clarify). I saw the pics online and 2010's even more sensually fabulous with models including Raquel Zimmerman, Natasha Poly & Iselin Steiro. I love anything shocking, me. Pics below for your pleasure...
Ouch! It’s so hot!
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